Vitamin Therapy
Vitamin Therapy at Uplifted Rx med spa in Manhattan, New York
Amino Blend Shot
Amino-blend, Glutamine, Lipo-mino, Ornithine, Arginine, Lysine, Citrulline, B12
- Aids in protein metabolism
- Prevents the breakdown of muscles
- Increased blood flow
- Increased vitality
- Aids in the conversion of fatty acids into energy
- Aids in fat metabolism and energy
- Improves performance recovery time
- Aids in muscle building
Glutathione Booster Shot
Our bodies quintessential antioxidant defense system is the glutathione system. Levels of glutathione
diminish with age as well as with chronic illness and poor health. Great antioxidant and anti-aging
supplement. Functions of glutathione include:
Protects cells from free radical damage
Improves cellular function
Aids in the recovery process
Acts as a universal toxin binder
Lipo-Mino Mix-Fat Burning + Energy + Appetite Suppressant shot
- Pyroxidine-promotes red blood cell production & converts food to energy
- Methionine helps break down sugars & carbohydrates and converts to energy
- Inositol-converts food to energy
- Choline-cuts muscle recovery time, helps convert fat to energy
- Cyanocobalamin-supports energy
- Thiamine-improves immune system, helps convert fat and carbohydrates to energy
- Riboflavin-increases metabolism, suppresses appetite
Vitamin B12-Energy Booster
- Supports energy production
- Supports weight loss
IV Vitamin Drips available upon request
Frequently asked questions
Amino blend injection is great for those who have an exercise regimen and looking for a supplement
of essential vitamins and minerals to aid in the building of muscle, converting food to energy, and
decreasing recovery time.
Lipo-mino and all lipotropic injections are recommend weekly in conjunction with daily lifestyle
modifications including diet and exercise.